Tennessee Home Birthing Specialist Dr. Mark Sherfey, in addition to using Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy treatments to combat the symptoms of aging, also offers his services for attending home births.

For centuries giving birth at home was the norm. Sometime in the 1900s increasing numbers of women started having their babies at hospitals. However, as our knowledge of anatomy, modern medicine and the process of childbirth are better understood many women are choosing home birth. If you are having a healthy, low risk pregnancy the option of home birth is one to consider. Many women want to avoid the medical interventions used too frequently in childbirth within the hospital environment such as having an episiotomy, epidural or cesarean section birth. Women who give birth at home find great comfort in being in familiar surroundings and this can lessen the anxiety or stress involved in giving birth in the sterile and unfamiliar environment of the hospital.

Advantages of Home Birth, or, Out of Hospital Birth

Having children is a healthy natural process. Statistics show that home birth is as safe, if not safer, than hospital birth for women who are low-risk and have had adequate prenatal care. Having a qualified attendant at the birth can greatly reduce any risks. There are many advantages to having a home birth, including:

  • For women to be able to labor and birth in the privacy and comfort of their own home and to rest in whatever attire and position feels most comfortable to her is a big advantage and can help in reducing any stress involved in the birthing process.
  • When at home the laboring woman can have much more control over the entire process of labor and birth.  She is able to have a say in everything that impacts her labor and birth. Meeting the expectant mothers’ individual needs is the primary focus of all in the room. Labor is allowed to progress normally without interference and unnecessary intervention.
  • Studies have shown that risk of infection for both the baby and the mother are reduced.
  • When laboring at home the woman is encouraged to walk, change positions, shower, bathe, eat, drink and make noise and there is no need to worry about disturbing anyone.
  • The expectant mother has the benefit of deciding who, and how many, people are involved in the birthing process. Many women like to include family, friends, other children, or anyone she wants to include. This is not always an option at a hospital.
  • Her medical team (midwife or birth assistant) do not leave because their shifts have ended. They are there for the duration of the birthing process and this helps to maintain continuity in the mood and the treatment that they receive.
  • There is no stress involved about ‘getting to the hospital’, having bags packed and ready, and the discomfort of driving to the hospital, for the laboring woman as her care providers come to her.
  • Continuous one-on-one care is given by the midwife who provides ongoing assessment of the baby’s and mother’s condition throughout the birth process and postpartum period. The mother has already established a relationship of mutual trust with her.
  • With support from loved ones women feel more supported through the hard work of labor and are encouraged to experience to the fullest the joys of giving birth and of the life-changing impact of delivering her baby. It is easier to be in touch with this powerful event in an environment that feels safe, familiar and supportive.
  • Immediately after birth bonding is enhanced and includes everyone who has contact with the baby including neighbors and relatives. Breast feeding is facilitated by the baby remaining with the mother.
  • Although Cesarean Section and forceps deliveries are unavailable – transportation to the hospital has been prearranged if these interventions are required. However, rates of both, as well as episiotomy, are very low.
  • The cost of a home birth may be less than a hospital birth, and is often covered by insurance if a CNM is utilized.
  • Pregnancy and birth are viewed as normal, natural body functions and not as an illness or disease.

Dr. Mark Sherfey is available for assisting families with home or out of hospital birthing, and he offers Pre-natal, delivery assistance, and post-natal care. Contact Dr. Mark Sherfey for a pre-natal evaluation.

Contact Tennessee Bioidentical Hormones Doctor, Mark Sherfey, M.D. to schedule your consultation today!